take up one's indentures câu
take one
He said there's something nasty going around, and you should take one, too.Ông ấy nói có gì đó khá khó chịu, em cũng nên dùng đi. Each...

take up
Take up your lawful wife and save England.Hãy ở với người vợ chính thức và cứu nước Anh đi. I decided to take up on your advice and he...

take up with
What difference does it make to you where I go or who I take up with?Tôi đi đâu và đi theo ai thì có quan trọng gì với anh? That's a q...

This is the highest quarterly take-up since Q4 2011.Đây cũng là tỉ lệ hấp thụ cao nhất kể từ Q4/2011. The vehicle take-up procedure do...

to take up
I decided to take up on your advice and help more around the house.Cháu đã quyết định nghe lời chú và làm thêm việc nhà. I'm going to ...

If I was gonna do anything, I'd wanna one-up the asshole.Nếu phải làm cái gì đó, em muốn phải bõ tức thì thôi. Their competitors are c...

take (sling) one's hook
To clothe or apparel one's self; to put on one's garments;(từ lóng) cho riêng mình phải gánh vác một mình !to take (sling) one's hook

take care of one's health
provide care for; watch one's health.- take care of one's health: giữ gìn sức khỏe

take just one
Oh, would it pain us greatly to take just one main road?có khó khăn cho chúng ta không để đi trên đường chính? But some patients take ...

take off one's clothes
Taking off one’s clothes:To take off one's clothes: Cởi quần áo ra

take off one's coat
to strip (of clothes): to divest oneself of one's coatTo take off one's coat: Sẵn sàng choảng nhau

take off one’s hat
to take off one’s hat to someoneđi quyên tiền !to hang one's hat on somebody

take one's breath away
take one's breath away(Đổi hướng từ take one's breath away) take one's breath away.(Đổi hướng từ take one's breath away) take one's b...

take one's own course
To take one's own coursedĩ nhiên, đương nhiên, tất nhiên !to take one's own course To take one's own coursedĩ nhiên, đương nhiên, tất n...

take one's own life
The destruction of one's self; self-murder; suicide.to take one's own life: Tự tử, tự sát, tự vẫn. take one’s own life: to kill oneselfT...

take one’s eyes off
Ý nghĩa tiếng Anh : look away, take one’s eyes off

take one’s own life
take one’s own life: to kill oneselfTo take one's own life: Tự vận We also found that the tendency to take one’s own life following st...

sit up and take notice
I suppose it would make people sit up and take notice.Tôi nghĩ tin đó sẽ làm người ta ngồi dậy và chú ý. I sit up and take notice when...

take up a bill
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) said he was willing to take up a bill proposed by the White House, offering amnesty for 1.8 million ill...

take up a challenge
Get involved… by taking on a challengeto take up a challenge: nhận lời thách Raising a Wild One: Challenge Acceptedto take up a challeng...

take up a collection
Yeah, we could take up a collection with the guys.Vâng., chúng ta có thể góp lại đúng không các cậu. Maybe we can take up a collection...

take up a job
He wants to take up a job in another city.Chàng muốn tìm một công việc ở thành phố khác. I am planning to take up a job in USA.“Tôi dự...

take up a loan
To save or to take up a loan? – 02-22-2014,01:39 AMBắt đầu bởi Getting A Loan, 24-12-2019 01:37 AM

take up an offer
Morales and his vice president fled the country earlier this week to take up an offer of asylum in Mexico.Ông Morales và phó tổng thống...

take up arms
''Russian people would sooner take up arms,'' he said.''Người dân Nga sẽ thà cầm vũ khí đứng lên,'' ông nói. 'If we take up arms, the ...